I mentioned on someone's blog that I would post about this. It's a really shitty bill that was passed in 2005 (August 29th to be exact) The legislation bans pit bulls in Ontairo, places restrictions on existing pit bulls, and toughens the penalties for the o wners of any dog that "poses a danger to the public". This legislation makes me so mad, as EVERY pit bull I know, or have known; has been a great dog. It's all in how your dog is raised. They're Terriers... very loyal, very loving. And it really pisses me off knowing that for me to get a pit bull today, the dog will have to be 6 years or older. There are so many amstafs crowding kennels all over the United States, and there's nothing we in Ontairo can do about it :(
Here is some more information on the legislation if you're intrested...
* The amendments to the DOLA (dog owners liability act) will prohibit individuals from owning, breeding, transferring, importing or abandoning pit bulls.
To adopt a pit bull it must be
*Owned by an Ontario resident on August 29 '05, or
*Born in Ontario within 90 days after August 29th '05.
Owning a pit bull in Ontario
*Owners will have to have their pit bulls leashed and muzzled in public and comply with sterilization requirements.
*The regulations stipulate that restricted pit bulls be muzzled and leashed unless the dogs are on their owners' enclosed property or on enclosed property occupied by another person who consents to the pit bull being withour a muzzle or a leash.
*A leach may be a maximum of 1.8 metres long.
Now, we're getting to my favourite part of this amendment...
Under the amendments to DOLA, pit bull is defined as :
- A pit bull terrier
- A Staffordshire bull terrier
- An American Staffordshire terrier
- An American pit bull terrier
- A dog that has an appearance and physical characteristics substantially similar to any of those dogs.
I can keep going on this subject, but I'd better get some real work done now.
Below you'll find some photos of these so called baby killers.
These are Vick's ex fighting dogs, doign just great.